Wednesday, November 19, 2008

my life in atlanta

so... i will start off with the first photograph. it is one that i, myself, took of john kelso. john was one of my first friends in atlanta. he was a very big part of trying to make this place feel like home for me. unfortunately, he didn't do the best job at it and i must say that i ended our friendship for reasons that no internet blog need contain. this is truly an unfortunate thing. john and i had plenty of amazing adventures together... along with lots and lots of smiles and laughs. he made a lot of really hard times better... but also made lots of hard times for me.

in the second photograph you see myrna. she is my roommate's (katie) child. this is probably during the first month that she lived with us. she's so beautiful in this photograph (that john took).

the third photograph you see my room... which now there are actual pictures hanging on the wall and it's not all just laying around on top of things. you also see my new son tboi who is so handsome and wonderful. then... we have the wonderful jamie. jamie is another amazing person that i became friends with here in atlanta even though we had known one another back in our louisiana days.

then there i am. this was also probably back in september or august. john and i had gone to this little abandoned raceway i think that it was. one of our adventures. it was during a time of many. sorry i don't have any "current" ones.

well... that's a little piece of my life here in atlanta.


david said...

WOW a semi-non-bummerish post!

jesse said...

that guy's cute. too bad he's a wheelie ballerina.